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You?ve hired some new sales reps and want to have them enter their quotes using a modernized interface. The Legacy IBM I Order Entry application takes many screens of data entry for each quote and something more efficient is desired for your sales reps.
Your business revolves around giving a competitive price to your customers and your realize you are stocking less inventory and show more items on your website and catalog than is setup in your Legacy ERP (inventory items).
Your quoting process is laborious. You need to reference many systems to get your information:
So many data sources are involved. Your quoting becomes a manual process without clear standardization in quoted prices. Some questions you may have:
Enter My Order Point. Because our Sales Quote Entry application runs within our Enterprise+ WorkSpace™, you are able to access data from multiple locations while building your quote.
For inventory items, we can access your base or customized Legacy ERP pricing using our real-time Enterprise+ Connector™. This allows you to access the same pricing rules used by your Legacy ERP Sales Order entry users. In addition, My Order Point offers a Dynamic Pricer which allows you to layer your own pricing rules on top of your Legacy ERP pricing algorithm.
For non-inventory items where pricing is not set up, our Sales Quote Entry application provides access to your custom cost database (if applicable) to speed up the quoting process and allows for simplifies cost + markup pricing or something more involved that we can customize for you to fit your company specific requirement (additional fee may apply).
With My Order Point, your quoting process is accomplished in a much more productive way using a robust Workspace that can interact in real-time with multiple data sources and internal systems. You now can product an attractive PDF quote with your branding and optionally attach specification sheets that can be derived from your website product information repository.
And when you win a deal and want to convert your quote to an order, you can do it with just a few click in our Sales Order Entry application which takes your original quote and convert to a Legacy ERP quote or order (per your requirements). No need to rekey quote data. My Order Point accurate transmits your order data into your Legacy ERP in real-time with a new order number immediately available.
IBM on Modernization:
"By 2023, 90% of current applications will still be in use, but
most won't be modernized.
your applications in a phased approach that best fits your goals and
Our intuitive state-of-the-art user experience is ideal for new users unfamiliar with IBM i Legacy application screens.
Edit multiple sales quotes within a single workspace and click tabs to switch between them.
Search your new master item repository consisting of items setup in your ERP plus non-inventory item data.
Access accurate real-time inventory counts from your Legacy ERP for sales staff entering quotes.
Display current customer contract price to sales staff via direct access to your Legacy pricing algorithms.
Use more user-friendly product descriptions in your ordering process instead of short legacy descriptions.
Add visible or hidden notes and file attachments to sales quotes for a centralized archive of documentation.
Generate attractive Customer Quotes with your branding accessible via a secure Cloud link.
Generate Product Specification Sheets dervied from product information derived from one or more data sources.
Copy one quote to another and remove some lines with our Group Delete function. Then add more lines as needed.
Create customer or company specific order pads to speed up the quoting process for repeat items.
Quote items from the integrated web catalog broken down by product category, manufacturer, or categories you define.
Request management approval over a certain quote total before allowing a quote to be generated.
Convert quote to order and submit directly to your Legacy ERP application and receive a Legacy Order number instantly in real-time.
Add quote comments and optionally hide them from view to provide internal documentation for sales staff.
Filter a large quote into a few items quickly with our robust order filtering.
Quickly enter new lines by typing SKU and pressing ENTER.
Copy-and-paste lines from one quote to another. Delete multiple lines at once. Drag-and-drop new items to quote.
Restore a previously saved version of a quote. Undo changes before saving them.
Review your sales performance with ad-hoc queries for orders and quotes created by your company.
Generate real-time quotes and orders directly from using opportunity details.
Our Workspace Add-on Apps interact in real-time with your Legacy ERP to provide users with more current data by eliminating overnight synchronization processes.
Our proprietary 5250 screen beautification algorithm that generates a dynamic interface without requiring screen-by-screen custom development tools.
Our AI automatically identifies key fields on screens and automatically extends your 24 line 80 column IBM i® screen with data panels derived from multiple sources.
Our proprietary workspace IBM i® client session monitor that optimizes system resources by detecting inactive workspace and suspending them with bookmark and signoff.
Our robot tools allow you to copy-and-paste lists of items to be entered into the legacy application. Press PLAY and watch our Enterprise+ Robot do the data entry for you!
Our customizable real-time hub that provides a common point of real-time interaction for your IBM i® legacy application, internal databases, and third-party web services.
Learn how to we modernize user-experiences for Infor ERP Application Plus users using our robust Enterprise+ WorkSpace™.
Preview our AI-beautified IBM i® Client, integrated Add-on Apps, turbo-charged Robot Automation Tools and real-time extensible
Developer API for Infor ERP Application Plus that powers our high productivity workspace while economizing on IBM i® resource utilization.