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Attend our next webinar:

Enterprise+ Workspace™
for Infor ERP Application Plus

Scheduled Date:
Thursday, February 13, 2025. 12 PM EST.

Learn how to we modernize user-experiences for Infor ERP Application Plus users using our robust Enterprise+ WorkSpace™.

Preview our AI-beautified IBM i® Client, integrated Add-on Apps, turbo-charged Robot Automation Tools and real-time extensible
Developer API for Infor ERP Application Plus that powers our high productivity workspace while economizing on IBM i® resource utilization.

Your Real-time Workspace for your WHOLE Enterprise!

Our Enterprise+ Workspace connects to your IBM i® legacy applications, internal databases and third-party services in real-time improving accuracy while eliminating need for data synchronization between disparate systems.

Secure IBM i® Integrated Client

Run your IBM i® legacy application right within our workspace with automatic 5250 screen beautification, Smart Panels that extend your data display from multiple sources, and Robot Tools to enter data into your legacy application many times faster that a human.

Advanced Add-on Apps

Extend your user experience with a number of Add-on Apps for Sales, Customer Service, Inventory, Marketing and IT. These Apps show much more data per screen than the legacy interface provides which results in big improvements in user productivity.

We Build On What You Have!

PLAY VIDEO to see our Enterprise+ Workspace™ user experience in action!

Enterprise+ Workspace

A Workspace for your WHOLE Enterprise

IBM i® + Third-party Databases + Web Services

Legacy Beautify™

Our proprietary 5250 screen beautification algorithm that generates a dynamic interface without requiring screen-by-screen custom development tools.

Smart Panels

Our AI automatically identifies key fields on screens and automatically extends your 24 line 80 column IBM i® screen with data panels derived from multiple sources.

Session Optimizer

Our proprietary workspace IBM i® client session monitor that optimizes system resources by detecting inactive workspace and suspending them with bookmark and signoff.

Robot Tools

Our robot tools allow you to copy-and-paste lists of items to be entered into the legacy application. Press PLAY and watch our Enterprise+ Robot do the data entry for you!

Advanced Apps

Our Advanced Add-on Apps are apps we've created to extend your IBM i® Legacy Application experience. These apps use our real-time hub and obtain real-time pricing, inventory and more.

Developer API

Our customizable real-time hub that provides a common point of real-time interaction for your IBM i® legacy application, internal databases, and third-party web services.


Introducing Legacy Beautify™

Dynamic AI-driven 5250 Beautification

Our proprietary AI automatically reformats your IBM i Legacy Application screens and makes them beautiful! All without programming screen by screen layouts using third-party development tools and training.

You'll be up and running quickly after a brief tutorial and your new employees will find it more user friendly than your legacy IBM i® green-screen. Modernization of user experience has never been so easy!

AI Dynamic Screen Layout

Our AI will create a beautified user experience for your legacy application users.

Smart Panels

We extend your legacy display with AI-determined related information from multiple data sources.

Session Optimizer

Our proprietary session optimizer suspends inactive client sessions to your IBM i® server.

Legacy Beautify™ Features

Dynamic Beautification

Our automatic 5250 screen beautifier automatically assigns date fields, check boxes and scrolling/subfile grids that are much more familiar to new users.

User-friendly Buttons with Icons

5250 Function Key labels are often cryptic and hard to understand for new users. With fix that problem with automatic label expansion and icon assignment within our button panel.

Dynamic Menu System

IBM i® application menus are automatically reformatted on the fly with AI driven grouping into option categories for easy access.

No Development Tools or Education Needed!

Most 5250 'screenscraper' software tools require purchase of a developer license for a programming tool along with technical education. Not ours! Our AI does the programming for you!

Extend your IBM i® 5250 session with more data!

Smart Panels

Our AI analyzes your screen and identifies click hotspots for drilldown into customer, item and supplier details showing data from one or more data sources.

Access more data than your former 24 line 80 column green screen!

Connect the Smart Panels to one or more databases to show all related information inside one pane!

AI identified Hot Spots

Our AI analyzes your screens for customer, item and supplier numbers and allows for a detailed drilldown into related information.

Make the most of your IBM i®

Session Optimizer

Our proprietary workspace client session monitor for IBM i.

Mutiple 5250 Sessions per User

Create one or more sessions per user and just click a tab to change sessions. Our session manager remember where you left off after leaving your workspace so you can resume from another computer without disruption.

Session Sleep/Resume

Our AI algorithm identifies client sessions that are not actively running your legacy application and puts the session to sleep on IBM i® to free up system resources!

Robot Data Entry directly into your Legacy Application!

Robot Automation

Our Enterprise+ Robot benchmarks up to 29 times faster than a human.

Fast Hands-Free Accurate Data Entry!

Our benchmark showed data entry speed at 6,844 line items per hour versus a human rate of 240 lines per hour - logging 8:46 on our stopwatch to enter 1,000 lines!

Use Robot AI to Automate Decisions

Our AI is used to determine when data entry should be paused to allow for human intervention.


Legacy Application Order Entry Benchmark

ENTERPRISE+ ROBOT        7,050 lines/hour
HUMAN        270 lines/hour

Advanced Add-on Apps

Extend your Enterprise+ WorkSpace

  • All Apps
  • Sales
  • Customer Service
  • Inventory
  • Marketing
  • Technology (IT)

Sales Order Entry

Enter orders more efficiently using our intuitive Workspace with real-time ERP pricing and streamlined special order item workflow.

Sales Quote Entry

Generate quotes more efficiently using our intuitive Workspace that accesses multiple data sources for stock and non-stock products.

Executive Dashboard

Review your sales performance with ad-hoc queries for orders and quotes created by your company.

Quoting Tool

Merge Customer and Product data from multiple sources and review sales and purchasing trends to derive best price to make the deal.

Dynamic Pricer

Real-time price calculator using legacy pricing in addition to custom pricing rules that can utilize data from multiple sources.

Customer Order Pad

Provide customer and company wide order pads to allow for rapid order entry within your legacy application.

Web Catalog Order Pad

Use the integrated web catalog that allows for ordering both inventory and non-inventory items.

Order-PO-Invoice Inquiry

Single screen drill down inquiries to get to your information faster than before.

Advanced SKU Search

Search for both inventory and non-inventory products within a single global search with ability to customize your own search parameters for filtering.

Advanced Customer Search

Merge your prospect and customer information into a single search with customizable search parameters.

Global Drill-down

Perform advanced drilldown on customer and product information that displays data derived from one or more data sources.

Inventory Inquiry

Review real-time inventory levels by warehouse and location derived from one or more data sources.

Inventory Adjuster

Adjust your inventory levels directly without requiring multi-screen legacy data entry.

Product Data Manager

Manage rich product content (specifications, images, PDF, and more) in a central repository for inclusion in your customer-facing documents and website.

Global Spec Sheets

Aggregate product data from one or more data sources to provide an attractive company-branded Specification Sheet for your customers.

Developer API

Access and extend our enterprise API to create your centralized real-time hub that accesses data from multiple sources and web services.

Our Testimonial

Complete Recent Product For

Our Customer

I think you have a real winner here! I can't think of a reason why users WOULDN'T want it!

James MoodyCOO - daly.commmerce

All we did was log into the My Order Point site, follow the online training, and start working. It was as simple as that.

Michael Smith - COO, Johnston Industrial

We were able to use the My Order Point UI to display five times the amount of information as our legacy ERP so users were not clicking back and forth several times between screens.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

The My Order Point platform was a perfect starting point to present information specific to our business.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

I think you have a real winner here! I can't think of a reason why users WOULDN'T want it!

James MoodyCOO - daly.commmerce

Performance was very fast even though the single page was accessing and presenting information from about 40 tables from both our Infor ERP and the gigabytes of data in MySQL hosted in AWS.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

All we did was log into the My Order Point site, follow the online training, and start working. It was as simple as that.

Michael Smith - COO, Johnston Industrial

This approach saved us thousands of dollars and months of development time because we didn't have to start from scratch.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

I think you have a real winner here! I can't think of a reason why users WOULDN'T want it!

James MoodyCOO - daly.commmerce

We had been on our ERP for 20 years and My Order Point for 10. Even though our business needs outgrew the ERP, we still use My Order Point because it connects to our legacy data and transactions.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

Not converting our old legacy transactions to our new ERP saved thousands of dollars and months of time on the transition. We uploaded 100% of our ERP data in its original table and data structure to MySql on AWS.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

All we did was log into the My Order Point site, follow the online training, and start working. It was as simple as that.

Michael Smith - COO, Johnston Industrial

My Order Point allowed us to turn off all that old infrastructure and still review order history and more. Huge win ? reduced cost, saved time and perpetuated continuity.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber