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Add-On App: Inventory Inquiry

For a wholesale distributor, providing accurate inventory quotes is the heart of their business. Accurate quoting improves customer satisfaction and confidence. Inventory counts are very volatile and change often so it is critical to present customers with inventory quotes that are real-time.

We've seen many companies run into issue showing accurate inventory counts in external apps like their website customer portal. This is typically due to current inventory counts only getting updated to the website nightly in a batch job. Some companies have run into problems because their inventory is so large, the nightly process takes over 24 hours to run! Companies are left exposed because the website presents inventory counts that are ?stale?.

We see the importance of showing real-time inventory counts. With My Order Point's Inventory Inquiry Advanced Add-on app, your users will see the exact same inventory counts as shown in the ERP platform. In addition, if you maintain vendor inventory count databases or other, we can link those to our Inventory Inquiry app to allow your users to view counts from multiple sources.

Your Enterprise+ WorkSpace™ users won't have to worry about viewing inaccurate inventory counts. We realize this is the heart of your business and we take the care to ensure your users see their information in real-time from the pre-existing data sources.

And if you have a warehouse location tracking system, we can also provide item drill down into the specific locations where the item is found. Some customers have downloaded nightly inventory counts from their main suppliers and displayed those counts within Enterprise+ WorkSpace™ for their users. We can do similar things for your company to make users more efficient when using data that exists outside of your ERP database.

Our Inventory Inquiry Add-on app interacts with our proprietary API web-service bridge to IBM i, Enterprise+ Connector™. A My Order Point Developer License allows your software engineers to access our pre-existing API web service request for real-time pricing and inventory availability so they can present a more accurate real-time user experience on the company website and internal apps.

IBM on Modernization:

"By 2023, 90% of current applications will still be in use, but most won't be modernized.
Cloud-enable your applications in a phased approach that best fits your goals and architecture."

(Ref: IBM Cloud: Modernize Applications. Simplify and extend apps with an open, hybrid, cloud. Dec 2019.)

Advanced Add-on Apps for Enterprise+ Workspace

A Workspace for your WHOLE Enterprise

Integrating IBM i® + Third-party Databases + Web Services

Real-time Integration

Our Workspace Add-on Apps interact in real-time with your Legacy ERP to provide users with more current data by eliminating overnight synchronization processes.

Legacy Beautify™

Our proprietary 5250 screen beautification algorithm that generates a dynamic interface without requiring screen-by-screen custom development tools.

Smart Panels

Our AI automatically identifies key fields on screens and automatically extends your 24 line 80 column IBM i® screen with data panels derived from multiple sources.

Session Optimizer

Our proprietary workspace IBM i® client session monitor that optimizes system resources by detecting inactive workspace and suspending them with bookmark and signoff.

Robot Tools

Our robot tools allow you to copy-and-paste lists of items to be entered into the legacy application. Press PLAY and watch our Enterprise+ Robot do the data entry for you!

Developer API

Our customizable real-time hub that provides a common point of real-time interaction for your IBM i® legacy application, internal databases, and third-party web services.

Simply Request a Demo by clicking here and we will contact you with more information.
Yes. Our Legacy Beautify™ AI is designed to re-present the IBM i Legacy screens in beautified format, whether they are modified or not. Most IBM i refacing solutions require programming in a third party development tool. Our AI-driven approach is unique performs the beautification process for all IBM i Legacy ERP screens - whether they are customized or not.
Yes. We have a number of real-time Enterprise+ Connector™ microservices pre-mapped to several ERP applications. If we don't have one already, we will work with you to build a custom microservice to suit your needs.
Yes. Our Enterprise+ Connector™ microservices can be mapped to alternate database servers or Amazon Web Services if you move off of IBM i.
Yes. We provide a secure real-time bridge to your Legacy ERP application and more with our Enterprise+ Connector™. This bridge allows you to securely access ERP customer contract pricing, real-time inventory status, order submittal, order status, and AR account status. All these improve customer satisfaction and reduce operations cost via Cloud-enabled self-service.
Yes. Everyone does this a little different so we designed our solution with this in mind. You can customize our Advanced Add-on Apps via a number of configuration options designed to tailor your Enterprise+ WorkSpace™ to suit your company needs. Our Enterprise+ Framework is designed to allow you to extend our applications with your own custom defined microservices so you can access more data within the Workspace. Many of our customers have developed their own custom Workspace Add-On Apps by utilizing our Enterprise+ Framework that visualizes your IBM i applications in Cloud-enabled format. We work with our customers during the implementation phase to customize the Workspace apps to suit their needs.
Yes. We give web education on how to develop your own applications using our Enterprise+ Framework. You can continue to develop in the IBM i legacy programming language (ex. Cobol, RPG IV) and utilize our framework to present your applications screens via our Cloud-based client app. This allows you to have an improved user experience while programming in the language you are most familiar.
Yes. In fact, this is the most typical deployment strategy. You can start with just a few users and then add more users in time, if you decide. You have a choice to deploy to all or some users.

Advanced Add-on Apps

for Inventory Inquiry

Improve productivity with our REAL-TIME apps that enhance your Legacy ERP user experience.

Our Testimonial

Complete Recent Product For

Our Customer

I think you have a real winner here! I can't think of a reason why users WOULDN'T want it!

James MoodyCOO - daly.commmerce

All we did was log into the My Order Point site, follow the online training, and start working. It was as simple as that.

Michael Smith - COO, Johnston Industrial

We were able to use the My Order Point UI to display five times the amount of information as our legacy ERP so users were not clicking back and forth several times between screens.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

The My Order Point platform was a perfect starting point to present information specific to our business.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

I think you have a real winner here! I can't think of a reason why users WOULDN'T want it!

James MoodyCOO - daly.commmerce

Performance was very fast even though the single page was accessing and presenting information from about 40 tables from both our Infor ERP and the gigabytes of data in MySQL hosted in AWS.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

All we did was log into the My Order Point site, follow the online training, and start working. It was as simple as that.

Michael Smith - COO, Johnston Industrial

This approach saved us thousands of dollars and months of development time because we didn't have to start from scratch.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

I think you have a real winner here! I can't think of a reason why users WOULDN'T want it!

James MoodyCOO - daly.commmerce

We had been on our ERP for 20 years and My Order Point for 10. Even though our business needs outgrew the ERP, we still use My Order Point because it connects to our legacy data and transactions.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

Not converting our old legacy transactions to our new ERP saved thousands of dollars and months of time on the transition. We uploaded 100% of our ERP data in its original table and data structure to MySql on AWS.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

All we did was log into the My Order Point site, follow the online training, and start working. It was as simple as that.

Michael Smith - COO, Johnston Industrial

My Order Point allowed us to turn off all that old infrastructure and still review order history and more. Huge win ? reduced cost, saved time and perpetuated continuity.

Dale Ohsberg- VP Operations - Marco Rubber

Attend our next webinar:

Enterprise+ Workspace™
for Infor ERP Application Plus

Scheduled Date:
Thursday, February 13, 2025. 12 PM EST.

Learn how to we modernize user-experiences for Infor ERP Application Plus users using our robust Enterprise+ WorkSpace™.

Preview our AI-beautified IBM i® Client, integrated Add-on Apps, turbo-charged Robot Automation Tools and real-time extensible
Developer API for Infor ERP Application Plus that powers our high productivity workspace while economizing on IBM i® resource utilization.