Join us for our next webinar on: Thursday, February 13, 2025. 12 PM EST. Click here!
Enter orders more efficiently using our intuitive Workspace with real-time ERP pricing and streamlined special order item workflow.
Generate quotes more efficiently using our intuitive Workspace that accesses multiple data sources for stock and non-stock products.
Review your sales performance with ad-hoc queries for orders and quotes created by your company.
Merge Customer and Product data from multiple sources and review sales and purchasing trends to derive best price to make the deal.
Real-time price calculator using legacy pricing in addition to custom pricing rules that can utilize data from multiple sources.
Provide customer and company wide order pads to allow for rapid order entry within your legacy application.
Use the integrated web catalog that allows for ordering both inventory and non-inventory items.
Single screen drill down inquiries to get to your information faster than before.
Search for both inventory and non-inventory products within a single global search with ability to customize your own search parameters for filtering.
Merge your prospect and customer information into a single search with customizable search parameters.
Perform advanced drilldown on customer and product information that displays data derived from one or more data sources.
Review real-time inventory levels by warehouse and location derived from one or more data sources.
Adjust your inventory levels directly without requiring multi-screen legacy data entry.
Manage rich product content (specifications, images, PDF, and more) in a central repository for inclusion in your customer-facing documents and website.
Aggregate product data from one or more data sources to provide an attractive company-branded Specification Sheet for your customers.
Access and extend our enterprise API to create your centralized real-time hub that accesses data from multiple sources and web services.
Learn how to we modernize user-experiences for Infor ERP Application Plus users using our robust Enterprise+ WorkSpace™.
Preview our AI-beautified IBM i® Client, integrated Add-on Apps, turbo-charged Robot Automation Tools and real-time extensible
Developer API for Infor ERP Application Plus that powers our high productivity workspace while economizing on IBM i® resource utilization.